I like what I do. I’m at work and today is a good day. Maybe it’s because I did not spend my whole Christmas break in a drunken stupor or followed and more disgusting path as one chic who did not see the need for showering and changing her clothes the whole entire time.
I feel so rested and not frantic as I was in the last week leading to the break. This month has been one hell of a month and that is an understatement yet today it doesn’t look so grim. I am so looking forward to New Year’s. Mostly coz it’s like my favourite holiday. I love beginnings but also coz this year needs to end hopefully on a good note.
I learnt that sometimes we hurt our friends so bad that we can’t take back what we have done and at the same time lack the words to express how sorry you are and how appalled you are that you actually did such a thing to your friend and so you keep quiet not because you don’t care but because words would cause more offence.
I keep meaning to write light and fun posts and end up writing sad and heavy ones……eurggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg
On a much lighter note I finally heeded to my housemates call to watch The Real Housewives of Atlanta. What a hoot!!!I love Nene with her madness, hoodness, bluntness and crazy laughter. Incidentally if she were in Kenya, her name would not be pronounced like that or it would be spelt Nini, which is Swahili for ‘What?’ I loathe Sheree with equal fervor. The woman is pretty but ugly in her inner being. Such evilness is just too much and the sheer conceit that makes her believe women are just dying to be her! I don’t even believe that anything about her is sincere..even her smiles are contrived. Yikes. Of all the women…I respect Lisa the most for having a career or businesses. The whole housewife thing is some strange alien thing that in all honesty I look down upon and she is not over the top in being extravagant as the rest. I also admire the relationship she has with her hubby and kid…and DAMN at 38 that woman is the ish!!..no wonder the husband is 7 years younger than her but you wouldn’t know it. Kim honestly is trailer trash who needs medication or to be locked up. For Real. When Lisa told her at the reunion that she would flip her over the couch. EPIC! I died of laughter!!!!I don’t hate Kim, I don’t admire her or like her. I pity her with all that Botox treatment, fake wig , stupid lies and affair with some married man called ‘big poppa”….and let’s not forget she spells cat as K-A-T. Deshawn is some combination of blandness, lack of personality and waste of space. She is everything that I have nightmares of one day waking up and finding myself as having mutated into. She is what some would call the perfect lady. All prim and proper. Always smiling and not offending others. YUCK YUCK. She doesn’t work…that foundation is not work in my opinion. I like the concept of empowering young girls to have confidence in who they are…but what example are you setting? Marry a rich NBA player, have kids, stay in a enormous manor with an army of workers and spend cash like a locust plague attacking all greenery in its path? Don’t think so. No wonder she was bumped off by season 2. Kandi the singer replaces Deshawn and the only thing I have to say is ‘ Chic ARE YOU INSANE?’ ….How do you even entertain the thought of marrying a man with 6…yes S-I-X children….wait for it…4 baby mamas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I cannot even imagine hooking up with a dude with one baby mama…four??????????????????I mean is it that you crave drama the magnitude of a hurricane in your life?..I hate being controlled and most of the fights I have had with my mum has been over her trying to control my life but on this one I have to agree with Kandi’s mum…that man should not be considered for marriage..eish!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!In closing the funniest bit which still kills me is where Nene says how in all the years she has known Kim she has never heard Kim sing…that Kim doesn’t even hum..and she proceeds to hum!!!!!!!!!!!11You have to see that to really get it.
That said and done. This was Fun. HAPPY HOLIDAYS