London College of Fashion is a unique centre of learning. With an international reputation for fashion education, London College of Fashion offers an unparalleled range of courses for students; from fashion design and technology, management and marketing to communication, promotion and image creation. The college's emphasis lies firmly on professionalism and aiming to create an inspiring and instructive learning environment for students.
Fashion is an international language. This outlook is reflected in the high number of international students that come to the college. This is further enhanced by the many academic links with colleges across the world. UK and European students are also encouraged to study their subject with a global perspective. To help aid them in this approach exchange programmes have been set up in New York, Madrid, Budapest, Florence, Berlin and Amsterdam. Students are also offered the opportunity to undertake work experience abroad.
The college and the fashion industry enjoy a mutually beneficial relationship, one that the London College are constantly seeking to expand. The success rate of graduates gaining fashion-related employment is high, reflecting both the college's reputation for excellence in fashion education and the fact that this is recognised by the industry.
The London College of Fashion is the largest of the various institutions offering Fashion courses, and the one which provides most options for study. Postgraduates or those with three years of experience in the industry can sign up for a straight Fashion MA covering all aspects of the course, or choose to study a specific area such as technology, photography or purchasing. The London College of Fashion is the leading institution of its kind, and alumni include Anthony Gormley, Alexander McQueen, Jarvis Cocker, Stella McCartney, Peter Kindersley and Katherine Hamnett. The college itself has an extremely relaxed but professional vibe, and students in either full or part time courses will find themselves well supported by first rate staff. Literally, the best fashion college in the world
The London College of Fashion began in 1906 as a trade school for girls, but is now an international fashion school with guest lecturers like Jimmy Choo and Donatella Versace. The school was also recently in the news for its Faith and Fashion initiative which explored Muslim fashion and the controversial burqa.
The London College of Fashion hosts international students from abroad and has held a pilot short course project in Dubai. It also offers study abroad for some of its students, including a three week study of Ayurvedic principles in India. The College is part of the University of the Arts London and benefits from its position in the commercial capital city and all its networks, both internationally and internally.