By now I must have nauseated everyone with my love for new year and trust me you aint heard anything yet! There are things I would like to do/be in the coming year..and not necessarily some rigid laid down resolution but rather an aspiration or beacons to guide me in the coming year.
I would like to get to know God again. I tried the whole knowing Him the way I used to know him and it did not work coz I had changed even though he had not. By knowing Him I do not mean Church, activities , people but God in terms of reading the Bible and loving it as I used to and praying ,talking to God, listening to Him, chilling with Him. I know that sounds strange to some people but I miss that.
I think in the year that was I really took my family for granted and friends took the front seat while my family took the backseat. I have been stingy with my time and resources to my shame. I love my mum, my dad and my brothers. For me that is family but I have also been brought up to believe that the other extended members do matter and so in this coming year I want to honour them. I could show more patience and compassion. On that note I would also like to give my father another chance
I have read many books this year but the diversity has been very limited and I must admit the quality very questionable and so I want to go back to the old me that was not only well read but also reading widely on various subjects. I have managed to clock a whole year without reading a newspaper or bothering with Local news and that trends ends in 2010. I can honestly say that despite the hateful political content of most local news there is also a lot I have missed out on.
There are friends whom I neglected shameless in this year that is ending and one in particular whom I feel I want to try and mend fences. It taken a year but finally I can honestly say I miss her. The goopd thing is that the male friendships that were wrought with so many issues have more or less calmed down. I am not as close to them as I used to be but it is as it should be as most have settled down with their significant others. More than that there are no co-dependent relationships lingering and In the coming year I want to maintain healthy relationships with them.
I have to leave as I have to go meet some Realtor….yes I want to live alone. Happy Holidays. Part two tomorrow