I'm in love with potential
by Jessica Care Moore
I keep falling in love
with potential But it never seems to work out
He was full of a lot of it
And he was TALL
But potential had a way of becoming diluted with insecurities
And just cause you can see the beauty of someone
Doesn't mean they can see if for themselves
Still I believed potential would eventually love me
As much I loved him
Then begin to love himself
The way I loved myself
But there was someone else
There always is
Potential had an influential way
Of showing me what my potential was
And he celebrated all I could do without him
Potential reminded me of how he loved my commitment
To doing whatever I had to do to exercise my own potential
Even if that meant potentially leaving him behind
Still I unconditionally loved potential
And held on to the potential future we could have
If only he would see our potential
Without being intimidated by my own potential
If he would just stop loving me with conditions
Especially when I loved him
Simply for the possibility of how great
He could become and already was
But didn't know it
Cause he was caught up in my potential,
Instead of seeing my life
As a reflection of what he already had or
What we could potentially have together
And that meant loving you when you hadn't yet
Reached your full potential
But helping you get there as quickly as possible
Isn't it just a bit too easy to fall in love
With someone after the glory and
Not along the slow, goal setting, potential way?
And if I didn't love your possibilities
Then I didn't love you
And if you didn't realize our possibilities
Because you were too wound up in my potential
Then you didn't really love me
I guess sometimes we give potential too much credit
And borrow interest from our own accounts
Without taking ourselves into account
How many times did I blow off your behavior
Relying on potential?
I can no longer count
Or wait around for you
To let me stand naked in front of you
So you can see yourself as worthy of my love
You loving me for me and not through me
Can really be potentially dangerous!
Today is a birthday that I celebrate as I can honestly say I am over him and it's really awesome. The poem above was like a recurring conversation we kept having. DG your other name should have been potential. I will not personally wish you happy birthday but hope you had one but if you didn't it none of my business. As my girl told me on twitter this morning, the past has stayed where it should