YAANI i am so swamped with work that i feel like i am committing a crime by posting something in my blog....but i have to....i have been working non-stop from 9am.
I am now in-charge of human resource for both two companies. I have to set up a performance appraisal system for both companies and implement it. I did learn about the system so its not the knowledge i lack...but rather its daunting task...and one that will make enemies for me....or at the very least cause resentment. my dad and the management consultant he works with feels i can do it...i can do it..i believe but i am still scared...at the thought of failure...or at how i have to have several discussions and training with each of the employees....more than that i ahve to evaluate them over a period of time...give an appraisal and suggest whether they retain tehir jobs,get rewards or lose their jobs and other disciplinary measures....its no small task...unlike before the two companies have grown...Philoke has eight technical staff, L&G has five laundry agents while there are five administrative staff. That may seem small.... but i have to train all these people...develop a system to evaluate them,mootivate them and basically determine their future with either of the companies...
I have started so that's a good thing...laying down the foundational work for the system is not too bad..though its really time consuming and requires me to understand the two companies with their operations....part of the reason for my getting this job was for the sake of continuity..i am one of its directors yet i do not have a comprehensive knowledge of every sector of operations..something which i feel will be remedied...i am glad its challenging me to stretch what i elarnt in my managemnt classes and apply them practically..furthomore itsa good experience as i will not only learn how to work with people but also lead people at the work place....still i pray that God will just give me grace..i am the kind of person who does not like being bossed nor do i like bossing peopel around...but like one of my pals said that a dream world....weird thingw e were just discussing taht with him..and taht very same day..i get the job...with my own office space...
Let me get back to work....the sad thing..i now cant just work the way i used to..keeping whatever hours...but ooh well..a challenge is good.aM OUT