I had a really lovely weekend....i really got time to spend with two of my girls..and i must say..its been too long..we had such a ball...in whether it was giggling over silly things..or arguing like co-wives over everything..or just enjoying each others company as we lazed away..i really had a wonderful time...it reminded me how much i value those two...i hear i missed another huge party..but i have no regrets
It also made me realize what i have been suspecting for awhile...my father cannot stand any talk about marriage..especially where he perceives any connection of that word with me..its really hilarious..he doesn't come out and say it...but any talk towards that direction has him so uncomfortable..its almost hilarious to watch..i almost want to reassure him...that he shouldn't worry..so....its not in the card soon...i find myself really missing one of my pals..lets call him..twox..he so will get....i havents een him in the longest time...and maybe i just need his perspective on some stuff cutting in my life..but i am busy and i know he is even more busy
i probably have no reason for writing but i did anyway..our church is getting a new youth pastor..i cant wait to meet him...my concern was whtehr he can speak English eloquently..and iw as assured he can..so i will wait when he is introduced to leadersto make my judgement...