The title is one of the Luo words for this coalition government...but its rather has a connotation of a disorganization or a mixture without much order....for once i wrote down the outline of what i want to post..something i have never done but i want to improve in the number of posts i write..more often than not i have something to write about but i let apathy rule.
I am so upset with the Delamere ruling is so unfair the rule of law dictates that the law shall be applied equally to all people in the land...but no just because the fellow is allegedly an aristocrat he gets a different system.The sentence was not a light sentence it was a slap in the was ludicrous i mean 8months i guess the total does come to around 3years taking into account the time he has already served but manslaughter?...I think that man intended to kill any person that he would get on that land...malice aforethought can be targeted at a group and not necessarily at a particular even that nonsense of it being manslaughter is just nonsense to justify the joke of a sentence that the system passed and system it is that judge was not acting on his own...manslaughter is suitable where you have killed someone but without premeditating on it....when you set out it was not your intention to could be in the heat of the moment..which is so not the case..dude obviously sees these people as non-persons...i dint realize how upset i was till my mum commented on it when were having dinner and its like i jumped on her...she was saying he has served enough i asked her if it were an African who had been in his shoes would she think the same way..she refused to answer my mum says how he has already served three years..and i recall was a humorless laughter,,,what is three years?i mean even ten years would not be enough..the maximum sentence is life in tells you how grave the crime is..yet stealing a piece of loaf will land you ten to fourteen years in prison.....i hate our justice fact i was almost shouting when i said i am glad i will never practice law in this country...the justice system is just a sham...all i could think was how much that would destroy me..if i was an advocate involved in that case...i never do anything in half measure i give my all..and to do that and have the possibility of it being rubbished like soul would just shrivel up and die...or to be apart of this corrupt system..that would be tragedy....
On a much better note i watched Patricia Amira's show..and she was doing a piece on musicians to watch for..i really liked the show..more so cause i had just come from almost tearing my mum to pieces over the light sentence..there were some really good artiste..there is this and..i have forgotten their name..maybe Sauti sol..they were awesome..i will be looking for them and their album..then there was this chic who does some nice scratchy 30's kinda music with some has the six pence none the richer ring to it..but still different..she is called Maia...really good..i liked her guitarist..i think he was was Sarah Mitaru..whom i just hear about but i have never listened to her music..well i know know why she is such celebrity..she is really good but more than that she has such a real personality..and Bill was accompanying her...good stuff..then LAM came next with his story.....about being a child soldier....he was rapping accompanied with Patricia Wangechi and some other chic...Patricia was looking good..even back then she had an awesome voice..cant wait for part two of the Show....
I am loving the new network..Sony Entertainment Network(SET)....the screen colours are not the best but at least i get to watch comedies i used to love and haven't seen in a while...i was laughing so much watching just for laughs and news radio..those were old time favorites,,,and i get to see Joan of Arcadia season two..yippee...obviously i slept late yesterday...
As for America Idol season8..wawawa i so did not know that PAULA ABDUL COULD ROCK IT LIKE THAT!!!!!!!!!!!! nway big up to jaw was hanging wide open but i like her...even if i will be lynched i still feel that either Lil or Allison or Danny should have won this show..yet it seems Adam is set to win it..i so don't get his music but America is a rock country so go figure...its a good thing i missed the elimination show for for Allison i shed some tears...chic is so talented....anyhuuu i believe she will make records..thats for sure...
last week as i was heading home from my pal's party i saw these books being sold near where i take my being the book crazy chic that i am...i went and to hear the guy saying mbao...what?and i got a Fredrick Forsyth...THE ODESSA FILES.....awesome book..yaani Germany scares me the more i read about it and its past
i have this axe hanging over my head but as all things it will either be taken away or it will fall...