Someone sent me this piece of ..shall i say poetry?....and let me share it.i have decided to widen the horizon of my blog in terms of readership...if there is such a word
Someday you will cry for me,
...just like i cried for you.
Someday you will miss me,
...just like i missed you.
Someday you will need me,
...just like i needed you.
Someday you will try calling me,
...but you will never find my phone number.
i still don't know if this is his own composition or what but i think its good.Today morning as i was walking in my attempt to exercise and drive the demons that had been pursuing me in my mind..i came upon a group of white bird with a couple of pied crows among them..there were a considerable in number and they were poking the then hit me that its the rainy season and the termites and white ants i walked the majority of them flew off while two white birds and a pied crow waited till i was less than a foot from them before they flew off...that made me smile....i like that...the audacity to stay while the rest run....but it can also be costly...As i looked at the courageous trio...A thought went through my mind that in as much as birds can comes at a cost...for one they have these skinny legs and i wondered mustn't it be tiring holding your legs horizontal for such a long time for one to be able to fly the distances?i don't even know why i was having these thoughts but have them i did...there are heights i want to attain in my i willing to let go of excess baggage or luggage in order to be able to be light enough to fly the i willing to have the endurance for the long haul..funny what a bunch of birds can teach you.