i am currently into..

I am currently feeling...
1.dresses....all kinds....sundresses...eveening dresses..frocks....
2.strictly come dancing...its made want to learn latin dances and ballroom dances....and i will do it.
3.wedding planning...in theory...one too many of my friends are talking of upcoming nuptials hence as we discuss colour schemes,reception designs etc...I am enjoying planning THEIR wedding while all the while contemplating eloping.
4.David..weird as it may seem i look forward to our talks though as expected there are stuff he says that just remind how different we are....he bought be a silver bracelet...which is worth approx 3k to 4k...am still processing that.....i am not a jewellery expert so when he gave it to me...i just thought how sweet...a friend told me its worth the other day..and am still wondering..WHAT?
5.The friends that i currently have.....when all the chaff and dross has been removed....its golden quality thats left.I like the level of maturity we have attained as friends
6. My family..i like the way we have evolved and how we are supporting each other..more than that i like who my father is..especially the relationship he has with my brothers.....and that we are all involved in his business.
7.My attitude..as in i am so at peace with where am at..that sometimes it leaves me speechless..i dont ahve any frantic need to be in a relationship.i want a good job but i am at peace trusting God that an awesome one is on the way.....i am comfortable in my own company yet still comfortably balancing that with my other relationships.
8.The break i am taking from the manic reading i was doing last year.
9.New African magazine....no matter how broke i am..i try to get a copy..i love it....its informative...intellectual..fun....yet diverse in its topic
10.Word games on facebook

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