A very good friend of mine told me about a network for ladies. Since matters to do with women pull at my heart strings....i inquired more...and that is how on a Saturday morning i was trudging along Mombasa road going for the first meeting.It is called ALABASTRON. I was wearing avery short skirt though with leggings...nonetheless..on the way it raised a few eyebrows...I must have been on a defensive mood as i wore the clad as a test of these women whom i had not even met..if they were going to judge me..let me give them some ammunition then it lets me know what kind of people i am dealing with....grossly unfair in hindsight....I almost dint continue but i made myself join them... i was late but they hadnt started...it was a mixed group of college/ university age ladies, working ladies,married,engaged,mothers etc..we were about 15in total including the facilitators.
The one thing was that there was no judgement,,,i really give them kudos for tha..i had an awesome time and soon was able to relax....contribute and laugh alot. There is a chic who sat near me called Njeri..i really like..i dont know why....I dint write this post to write about what happens in Alabastron but just some impressions....what happens in Alabastron stays there. especially the nitty gritty detail.. I am excited to be there and i really feel that this year i am walking in God's will..as in events are just happening to align me where God wants me...for this year God gave me His word from Zephaniah 3:15-20...as were were concluding the session Laimani gave us that a verse from there Zeph3:17..for me it was the final confirmation that i was where i was supposed to be.
I like the fact that there is such diversity in the group and even more people are joining. there are people there ho have probably never been saved. YET each and every person is willling to participate,share,learn and be empowered to empower another person.I am yet to buy the journal we are all to keep. I have journaled once this year; this should prove interesting.
I pestered all the gals in my fellowship to join....though Scar will join the next one coz of the timing but mo and shirley will join me on the next class.On that note we had the best bs this sunday...as in am happy with this group..no stupid games about how each person an say the least while waiting to see how much the rest will say...we are doing a book by pam Farrel one of my favourite authors...A WOMAN OF INFLUENCE......Last week discovered our leadership styles