
I know I will be accused of ranting but this is what I feel as regards sharing information. I have discovered that my friends and mostly female friends think it’s ok to share private information with their significant others. I have seen it happen enough times with my close friends and never once have I confronted them but sit in silence wondering when I gave the ok for my business to be shared. I feel that if I have a secret child, secret lover, secret fetish, abortion, miscarriage, the people I am having sex with, family fall out, whom I’m cheating on or in love with or not, or my debt  etc….think of any private thing you would not want out there…it is not ok for my friend to share the same with their significant other. I have had boyfriends and I did not share my friends stories with them. It amazes me how I can get so upset so much later after so many instances of this. Weirdly enough this is no particular incidence or person that has trigger this outburst but I almost feel like I cannot trust my friends.


So my full face book rant/status update :\



This is to ALL my friends. Male and Female. Whatever I share with you that is private kindly keep it so and your boyfriend, man, husband, wife, girlfriend and partners are NOT exempt from this rule. The rule of thumb is if I do not want to my mother to know then I SURE AS HELL do not want the above listed people knowing it and you telling me you told them does NOT ratify or make it ok. They are YOUR significant other and NOT MINE no matter how friendly I may be with them. So either we follow the rule of thumb or two scenarios. You tell me you are one of those couples who share everything upon which our only discussion should be the weather or for everything I find out you shared without my EXPRESS AND EXPLICIT go ahead I share  any private information I deem equal to what you have shared with two people you would NOT want me to share that information. I am sure we are crystal clear



Does anyone get me? Or we should just be ok with people sharing information about us to their significant others?






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