I just showed up for my own life...

In all honesty it's been almost two years since I did any serious writing. I'm heeding the call. I just want to write at least three posts per week whether they are good, they are interesting or mundane. I just need to write.

My biggest thing this year is to move out to my own place. AGAIN!!!!!!!!!! I'm starting over since a certain parent decided my household stuff better suited her parent. That is a whole other post if ever. I'm looking for a bedsitter/DSQ . When a friend of mine heard that he was so aghast that I just had to laugh and in all honesty I got where he was coming from but weirdly enough I'm so calm about it and sure. I do want to start and this time grow organically. I want to do it without financial stress or without any pressure to keep up with the Joneses. Let the Joneses live where they do but Anyango shall live where she chooses .

At one time I really wanted to live in Kileleshwa and to the shock of my family I made that dream  a reality. I recall a friend chiding me quite severely that I needed to be more ambitious if that was the best place I could envision living. At the time I was quite annoyed but I brushed it off. I'm quite proud of 25 year old me who was fearless and relentless. I received quite a deluge of unsolicited opinion about my living situation and area of choice. It amazes me how people feel such freedom to express displeasure or disapproval about things that they neither fund nor  control. The beauty of your twenties is the sense of inviolability that one has. It allows you room to dare things that in your thirties would leave you quaking. So in the spirit of getting on with it I left work a bit early and alighted at Parklands to start house hunting. My first choice would be Parklands/Highridge area, a choice that has earned me a few derisive comments and condescending looks. Nonetheless I believe that you shouldn't lower your aim as and until you have knocked on those doors and no opportunity  has arisen. If you don't ask the answer is always no.  I knew it would not be an easy find. I'd seen a few ads on the websites but those agents wanted like a quarter of the rent! Like boy bye! So today I decided I will do the door to door house hunting. Emotionally looking for a house this time was even more terrifying. Nonetheless I started with City Park Estate since I've always been curious about it. Dude that place is EXPENSIVE!!!!!. If the nice old man I met is to believed a one room / One bedroom is Kes 40,000. I kept asking are you sure it's one room? He kept saying yes it was and they are so sought after that before a person moves out another is ready to move in. You guy 40k!!!!!!! I thought the 25k for a bedsitter in Kileleshwa were ludicrous but this was ridiculous. Talking to that Old man was such a grace moment. He was so polite and helpful. Human beings somehow simultaneously possess the ability to restore your faith in humanity as well as lose your faith in humanity.  Needless to say I walked round that place with no luck.

Next I tried 5th avenue Parklands but the Shopkeeper young guys were so hostile when I inquired about bedsitters that I decided to try 6th avenue which has in the past piqued my interest each time I've passed it. I walked the length of that road and most were homes or apartments. There were numerous adverts by Witch doctors and fumigation services yet not a single to let sign . I wondered  about the proliferation of the ads by these witch doctors. I decided to call it a day and head home. I was more open to areas I had originally refused but decided I would try Highridge before throwing in the towel.

I am proud of myself. I went out and sought even if I did not find. I took the initiative and I am actually taking practical step in this goal.

Beyond that look at all I have written :) I was listening to side hustle school podcast and my take away was do one thing today that brings you closer to the goals you set. I did three things. I went house hunting, I changed the template of this blog and I actually did a blog post.

Here's to a focused 2017 .

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