It's in the doing

I've been very uninspired and almost downcast these past week or so. There have been a lot of stuff that have happened but none of them have accounted for just how despondent I've been feeling. It is a hard month right after the holidays so business has been slow. Intellectually I have understood this but its also not been easy.
Today somehow in the midst of my mini- depression, i somehow decided to just go a head and start working on one of the fashion events I've been planning for this year.  I somehow seem to be always consulting others and waiting before doing any of these fashion events! a fact that surprises me since I'm such an independent decision maker, more often than not I'm usually informing people of my ideas or thinking aloud than really asking for their advice. All in all its just lead to crippling procrastination!

One of the biggest demotivating factors I've realized is doing nothing. You'd rather do something  in imperfect conditions even have flawed results than do nothing! That is the lesson for me in January, not that I've done nothing this whole month. I have had some clients and done more marketing and deal chasing than ever did as a relationship associate! Some of it has borne fruit, the rest I am sure will do during the year, but my personal confidence in my skills  has grown indeed.

I've been meaning to host a clothes swap for so long but i have always found a reason not to do it. So on this Friday   sat down and wrote what kind of swap I'd like, the target, the items to be swapped etc. I sent out the invites and now for the next few days its my main project second to my best friends wedding where I'm a best maid. In fact the minute I involved myself actively in managing the stuff needed for the bridesmaids, I started to enjoy myself. I have a need to be useful in a manner that makes sense to me.

I just wanted to write down how doing something does increase your motivation

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