....I got my groove back

I have just come from one of the toughest but most interesting interviews I've ever had. As my pal said, I finally met my match in someone cynical, smart and good at deflecting questions while reading me in an eerie manner. Yet I also discovered I'm ok with the choices I've made. Last week I was so depressed at the outlook of my life but as that guy grilled me and I was defending my choices to do law yet not practice, do a professional course in accounting, do banking then quit, start fashion and now back trying to get back to the corporate world, I realized that I do stand by my choices and in as much as most people would see it as unfocused and not knowing what I want to do with my life. I don't. I simply don't. When I finished high school I did not know what I wanted to do but now I do. I may not have the resources to do it now but I'm clear and I stand my choice that life is not just one path. We are multi-talented and hence our interests should not be limited to one path just because it allows others to be comfortable. So what others call unfocused, I call open minded and adventurous. Does it mean each and every time I take a risk I will get a return. Certainly not but it's certainly worth it. That interview gave me back my mojo. That and the conversation I had with my mother. Needless to say, I'm ready for the next round of interviews. It is well with my soul

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