this one full of silly, hilarious or just light stuff mostly from dear blank please blank
- 3:42 PM
- By Anya
I know I do owe one silly lighthearted post after the numerous heavy and dark ones. I am back in the office but low workload so I will just do a collage of things making me laugh or shake my head.
1.Dear Cupid,
I think I'll control the arrows from now on.
Sincerely, Broken Hearted.
· Response:
Charlotte |
· Sometimes I look in my mirror and think how damn lucky I am that both of the arrows hit my butt.
Major self love
RaiseHell_DrinkBeer |
- Dear Broken Hearted,
He was married, had 3 kids, and told you from the beginning that he was never going to leave his wife. Trust me when I say I didn't fire that arrow.
Cupid - Flag
- Dear Cupid,
Next time, shoot both of us, will you?
Sincerely, Your arrow still hurts... - Flag
2. Dear Shovel,
You shouldn't trust the hoe.
Sincerely, Rake
3. Dear Juliet,
You've known him for what... a week? Get over it.
Sincerely, Realistic Readers.
iseereality |
- Did you even read the play? Romeo only wanted to get in her pants. Pure and simple. It was idiotic teenage infatuation, that's one of the main reasons their deaths are considered "tragic"; the lack of meaning behind their deaths.
- I did and you don't seem to be able to understand that point of the play was that love can conquer all, even family feud.
iseereality |
- Shakespeare wrote for money, as most authors do. And in order to make money, he had to please his audience, thus the sappy "love conquers all" theme. If you'd actually read the play and analyzed the text, you'd have seen that the whole thing is a joke.
- I agree with what you said, but i mean just because its obviously not real doesn't mean its a joke.
iseereality |
- But it is a joke.... it makes fun of how seriously adolescents take themselves in a similar way to Wedekind's Spring Awakening (I mean, of course, the classic play, and not that horrible musical).
slightly_insecure_buzzkill_guy |
- well to be honest i don't personally know shakespeare, so i don't know why he wrote his plays.
if you know shakespeare what's he like?
anacoluthia |
- Love didn't conquer all. Why? 1) It wasn't love, it was obsessed teenage infatuation. 2) They died. Lack of conquering.
- Three days actually.
But wow, you really don't get Shakespeare, do you?
Another little fact: Juliet was only 13.
- That explains it slightly
- Flag
- And Romeo was a Pedophile...
dinosrok42 |
- very much agreed
- Flag
Dear Snow White,
Never bite the apple. No good ever comes out of it.
Sincerely, Eve.
Dear Boys,
We will stop taking hours to get ready when you stop judging us by our looks.
Sincerely, Annoyed Girls
Dear Pinocchio,
I love the way you lie.
Sincerely, Rihanna.
Dear Kids,
There is no Santa. Those presents are from your parents.
Sincerely, Wikileaks
Dear The Movie,
Sincerely, The Book.
Dear cellphone,
Please don't ring as I'm pretending to talk to someone while ignoring the annoying person in front of me.
Sincerely, this just got awkward
Dear skinny jeans,
Sincerely, the holidays
Dear gift givers,
I understand that "it's the thought that counts", but what kind of thoughts were going through your head when you picked this out?
Sincerely, are you serious
Dear Icebergs,
Sorry to hear about the global warming. Karma's a bitch.
Sincerely, The Titanic
Dear girls who have been dumped,
There are plenty of fish in the sea... Just kidding! They're all dead.
Sincerely, BP.
Dear Toaster,
Just gonna stand there and watch me burn?
Sincerely, Toast
Dear paranoid people who check behind shower curtains for murderers,
If you do find one, what's your plan?
Sincerely, not very well thought out.
Dear Americans,
It's not a 'World Series' if you're the only country participating.
Sincerely, The Rest of the World.
Dear Arial,
Let's face it, you just aren't my type.
Sincerely, Times New Roman
Dear Facebook Friends,
Liking your own comments or statuses is like high-fiving yourself in the face.
Sincerely, Anonymous
Dear Easily Offended People,
You're right, it wasn't funny... It was hilarious.
Sincerely, The Rest of Us.
Dear people who clap at the end of movies,
They can't hear you.
Sincerely, everyone else in the theater
Dear skinny jeans,
Sincerely, the holidays.
Dear Bedbugs,
Jokes on you.
Sincerely, Bed Wetter.