Chookooloonks’ Karen did an article on authenticity her exact words:
“Grab a pen and paper, and list everything you love to do that fills you with joy and/or grace. It can be shooting photographs, or cooking, or taking a shower, or running a mile, or singing or whatever. Write deeply profound things, or silly little things, like organizing the junk drawer in your kitchen. Write until it exhausts you. Just write whatever fills you with joy or grace.”
1. Reading. When I read all else calms down. If it’s a storm going on in me or around me; it recedes. Calling it’s hobby would be to demean it. Reading takes me to places that I am unable to describe.
2. Dressing up. There is just some joy in looking so effortlessly fabulous yet knowing it left your wardrobe in disarray.
3. When my boys confide in me. When I give them my perspective and it’s like I have unlocked some world mystery and knowing that they trust me. It makes me feel valued and appreciated for me.
4. Laughing so hard my legs are up in the air like a little baby. More so when watching a favourite show or sharing joke with friends
5. Dancing. Like reading all else receded
6. Music. When I wake up it’s the first thing I look for and at work all day it’s what keeps me motivated.
7. Everything that pertains to blogs. Be it blogging, reading blogs, discovering blogs.
8. Shopping. Be it shopping for the house, shoes, clothes. I love shopping…
9. Alone time. Snuggling under my duvet doing nothing but allowing my thoughts run free. Sitting under a tree just appreciating nature while having conversations in my head that are so damn interesting it’s almost a disappointment to realize I am all alone.
10. Internet research. I love looking or stuff in the internet. The sheer satisfaction of finding that thing which seemed impossible…
11. Eating at my favourite restaurant whether I’m alone or with my friends.
12. Being pampered at the Salon. It makes me feel so special.
13. Lying in bed holding my huge teddy bear knowing that I don’t have to wake up and rush anywhere.
14. Receiving a long email with fun news or detailing what a wonderful person I am…
15. Words. Be it in email, snail mail, texts, blogs, books, phone conversation, face to face conversation. Words rock way better than words
16. Men who have awesome laughs and smiles. The sounds of people’s laughter is so distinct and unique…especially if I’m into you
17. Going on holiday to awesome places and having an awesome time.
18. Having hilarious conversation with my family which seem so odd to others but make total sense to us.
19. Colour. I love colour. The bolder the better.
20. Spending time with my friends.