Numerically updated

My work life basically means my blogging life is basically extinct. So much has happened

1.i did so many rounds of interviews and in December i get to start as an ASSOCIATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!can you believe that....i did not look for this still bawled over...but till i see the contract terms let me relax

2.i learnt what office politics is all about. i Think its shame when a whole senior manager gets competitive with an dude what wrong with you started at a a lower rank and did not rise as fast...does that give you the right to try and sabotage my career.what a prat!!!!!!!1

3.I also realized not many people will be very amused with my career advancement..but tough id not sleep my way to it..i did not lie my way to it..i did not pretend to be what i was fact i was totally myself..Thank you Lord.

4. I really appreciate my friends who are not sorority types who feel every single second we have to be together...i had to encounter such a person to really fully appreciate you guys...THANK YOU!!!!!!!i wish that person would just stop crowding me!!!!!! you are an awesome person but men you are really crowding me..i am at the resentment stage soon it will be the hate stage!1

5.I have to move out by June next year..i just need two flat mates who don't mind living in a furnished apartment and sharing rent...and am not living with guys,...females only.

6.i discovered i like on of my very good pals...and i like HIM more than a pal...lets just say after today i will know for sure....what up.

7.I discovered lame book and boy did i not die of laughter while equally gaped in shock at what some people post on face book. LAME BOOK is my new drug...

8.Sauti sol totally rocked!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!waaaaaaaaah that group is off the charts....while at the concert some guy proposed to the girlfriend...i am convinced the guy was drunk!! it just reinforced the truth that i HATE PUBLIC PROCLAMATIONS.I think they are insincere and its blackmail. IT IS BETWEEN THE TWO of us!! If i were the girl i would have crept outside to leave him to look like the eeejit that he is!!!!!!!!!1but she seemed impressed so i guess he read her right.

9. Some twat is still stalking me!!!!!! i am fully convinced the guy is clinically insane!!!!!!On th same note whether related i discovered some people actually eat the placenta after giving birth....some even fry it....some human beings should be shipped off to neptune
10. THis is not a proper blog post but i feel better all the same for posting s

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