Dear Alice,
I'm a young woman (virgin, too) and I'm just wondering... exactly what am I supposed to do with pubic hair? Am I supposed to shave it all off, or do nothing, or I dunno, trim it? Do guys have preferences with trimmed and shaved or none? Help!
Hi Alice,
I was curious as how to groom the male crotch. I've never been taught how or if I'm at all supposed to do it. I wanted to know if there are any helpful hints if I do do it.
So anyhuuuuuu at some point I was like the first dear Alice girl and no one seemed to answer my questions as if talking about pubes is some crime against humanity. Urban Dictionary defines pubes
"Hair that grows near your 'danger area'! If you shave it gets itchy, and if you leave it there...it's itchy!
Trimming is your only option, but females should wax it."

I have heard all the horror stories concerning bikini wax and I am the first to admit that my pain thresh hold is very low....my friend who is very brave said she cried real tears....it means i would bring the whole building down with my wailing and howling...but many swear by it so for the brave hearts carry on
Some people experiment with their pubes and as shown above trim them to whatever creative shape they like.....to me that's just weird but then again most things that I do can be categorized as weird. I am all for a trim but I don't really give it much thought other than finishing as quickly as possible and forgetting the whole incident.....to shape it....or as some do…colour it...my hair is a much better medium. soon we will hear of split ends on pubes

One of my many friends said that they were told that a woman should only have hair on her head....wow....I so would disqualify from being a woman seeing as I don't shave my arms or legs...the hair is too inconsequential and biologically its there for a reason. It amazing but some guy once followed me for quite a distance on a busy street only to come and whisper to me that I should shave my legs. If you know me you would see obviously dude was deranged as you cant see hair on my legs as I am dark and any hair that is there is minute. Bushy pubes don't disgust me as much as armpits that give the Amazon a run for their money...I was unfortunate to see one on a friend and the trauma was too much...

The One of my very good friend once remarked rather caustically “who wants to eat MAU forest?" I really laughed though now the famous forest range is almost bare due to human activity...but as the image above illustrate I guess the guys can pay for it badly if your front lawn is unkempt
Alice did answer the questions and below is an extract of the pros and cons of the different methods of dealing with pubes.
* Hair grows back within a few days
* May be uncomfortable and itchy as it grows back
* Hair may feel coarse when it grows back, because the hair shaft will have a blunt tip
* Possibility of cutting the skin, razor burn, and/or ingrown hairs
* Inexpensive
* Can be done at home
Waxing (commonly known as "bikini wax")
* Hair grows back after a few weeks
* Slight discomfort when the hair is being taken off
* Hair regrowth may feel thinner as it grows back
* Can be costly
* Can be done at home but may be easier to have it done professionally
* Hair grows back quickly
* Plucking is painful
* Can be used to remove a few stray hairs that may be bothersome but not recommended for the full job
* Product must say that it's safe to use on the pubic or bikini area
* Can test product in a small area and wait 24 hours to be sure that no reaction occurs
* Can cause irritation
* Inexpensive
* Can be done at home
I have so wanted to write on this for a while yet held back...had fun..so give me your take...your preferred 'front lawn' landing strip' or pube management method