am back...yaani mafans am sure you all missed me.....hihihi.....arusha was a story and a half and it will require its own post......
this is about naks.....yaani i cant believe that i finally got to go....there were moments i was sure sth would happen to stop me from going.......
it was more than i could expect...yaani if you are in are in love...thats all i can say...this me who used to say how i dont do PDA...WELLL MISS SUNSHINE WAS SO COMFORTABLY WALZING NAKURU TOWN WITH HER SWEETHEART HAND IN HAND....yaani i had a ball and there are no words to fully express my joy.I finished whatever camp work i went to do by wednesday and still got to rest cz arusha was a bit hectic and best of all got to spend time with J.I REALLY LOVE THAT GUY...I CAN SAY THAT A MILLION TIMES AND NOT GET TIRED OF SAYING IT.......Ihave learnt that when you love someone you dont do it coz they love you but cpoz you choose to love them and yes its true love is a choice...whether a wise or foolish choice but a choice i have interacted with J over these past months its been a conscious choice to get to know him but more importantly to allow him to know me....i more than any one else know hw subtly i can hold such vital parts of me from someone from me and yet the other party remains so unaware...for some reason all those walls came down with this some point it was scary and as i said in an earlier post...i felt like i was on a precipice...on the edge of a cliff where i could choose to either walk away or let go upon which i could either plummet to the unknown or soar...well so far my step of faith(no pun intended!) paid of cz am soaring......
J is all i have dreamed in aman and so much doesnt mean he is perfect...there is no such person on this earth....but i cathc myself so awestruck at times cz he compliments me and i compliment him so in it is so easy between just flows...he likes saying how he gets amazed that i always seem so happy and full of joy especially when i am with him as in he can just see it in my face...i usually laugh cz its true and its good in i dont need to pretend...wheni am with at peace...the feeling you get when you know the world is as it should be...that you are finally home from a long journey.....
he brings out the softer side of me....which for all who know me it may be unbelievable but its true...he makes me calm....he says i have the softness that he needs in his life,,,,and get your minds out the gutter for all of you who have gone down that road,,,,,espe twox....i like the fact that he is a leader and has a very clear idea of hwere he wants to go nad has the confidence taht he will get there.....
i have come back to town as His chic.....or as he says his in that just amuses me no matter how many times i hear it.....thursaday and saturday was the highlight of my visit to naks...thursday cz i spent most of the day with him....and nyangi who usually doesnt like being touched or her space invaded was gladly enjoying all the above...saturday cz am a girl and i was impressed with the care taken to make sure i had an awesome night.......
I also came back with alot to think about....among other things that i may be getting married soomer than i ever idea was wheni ht 3oyears old...i doubt that will happen with the current state of things.....but in all things God knows best...will go on later my intl human rights class has started