Lord today is a struggle.....its the testing of my resovle to surrender this area of my life to you...how its so tempting to take my life into my own hands but Lord give me grace.....for whatever am feeling or going through is common to all men and you have already provided a way out.
I dont want to be like the israelites who had to wander in the desert around the same mountain for 4o years...i ahve reached my threshold.....keep me on the straight path and my eye focused on the goal.
You way is bettter and to your blessings you add no sorrow...no good thing will you withhold from me as you beloved.
Your word says that God you are a sun and a shield to those who trust you,you bestow honour and favour. Today the cross is heavier,or so it seesm but carry it i will for i know that to carry the cross is to wear the crown and that the way down is the way up.
But as i struggle,i wonder does hesense it in his spirit?does it change anything in his day or thoughts? does he encounter any doubts?
Never have i walked this raod but trust you i will for you lead me besides green pasture.Each and every day of my life is ordained by you my very footsteps are guided by you Father.No one is allowed to enter into my life without your permission and so you know the his purpose in my life and for what period of time.
AS a JR raps" Lord Jesus would you hold my mind for my flesh is weak and am about to lose my mind" that says it best.
It all too easy so a voice whispers in my ear..follow the familiar and known path....you atleast know where it goes and control will be inyour hands" But father am weary...am weary of following that path for hwere it leads leaves me feelong hollow....as stacie orricco sings" thetre 's gotta be more to life"...and i know taht i know that iknow...that.....better is with you.....that the key is to hold on and to obey with trust...so father i will obey and keep tenaciously holding onto the promise. there is a song taht says that if i fall let me fall on the grace that first brought me to you and if i weep let me weep as aman longing for his home.
There are so many avenues open for my life but this year Lord i want to walk the path You have set before me...i need grace..for many are the different voices calling out to me.as bethany dillon says there are amillion voices calling out to me but i only want to hear yours so make the others disappear.
As Paul said he knew that what he had entrusted to you God you would keep it till that day...You know what i treasure and to what i have entrusted to you,,,and i know that you will keep it and guard it and only let me give it to the one you kept for me.am out