As you start to walk out on the way, the way appears

That was my 2016 gmail tagline. I started that year quite uncertain and unsure yet I was determined I would keep taking the next step regardless of the fact that most days I barely knew if there was even a path.

2017 reaffirmed two key areas. I finished my diploma in oil and gas passing with distinction and I got confirmed at work.

I spent most of today house hunting and if you need to learn a bit more about yourself go house hunting :) I have seen several possibilities but I am convinced my house is still out there.

My dad called me a few days ago while I was out of town with a possible oil and gas lead that may be out of this country. I was working on the application today and being a blind one it was tough. Again it was a study into myself. Both processes for some reason made me feel vulnerable but I guess in a good way. I felt that for the latter part of last year I was just coasting through life. I want to be a  full participant in my life this year.

The weekend was another lesson into friendship, grace, generosity and patience. I have such clarity as regards where I want to be and the fact that for sure by year end I will be in a much improved position in all areas of my life.

Tomorrow I resume work and I must say I am mentally and emotionally refreshed.

My 2017 tagline so far has been 'feed your focus while you starve your distractions'

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