...a younger wiser me

SO what are those things you never want to compromise on let’s say in 5years..or 10 or 15 or even 20 years from now?


unique said... April 17, 2009 11:46 AM  

.to get married due to pressure from my friends or societal perceived marriage age
.to work in a job that makes facing another day torture
.to be in a abusive relationship be in emotional, physical or sexual abuse...be it with a man or a friend
.truth. that God is truth, and truth is absolute.
.MY VALUE.....
.my dreams..it would be a sad day when I become like everyone else who lets the doubts rob them of the treasures of their dreams.
.my personality...may no man or woman mould me into what I am not...me included.
.have these many kids whom I cannot bring up in a comfortable standard.
.My sense of style...yaani becoming some frumpy woman..who looks older tan her age.
.My figure...yaani hotness for life
.My faith..in God, in life, in family in friends and in myself







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