
CityGirlfront page About It’s fear!
March 18, 2008 · 14 Comments
I think about it all the time. How life would be so simple and probably much easier if we, people, didn’t have pride or fear.

If at the time you find yourself getting close to someone, you totally commit to the feeling and not stress about keeping the feeling to yourself.

It’s fear. Fear of being vulnerable. Fear of putting yourself out there and allowing someone to see into your heart.

And the funny thing is, in all probability, the person that you’re afraid to tell ‘Hey, I like hanging out with you, I miss you when you’re not around” is more than likely feeling the same thing too.

Oh life is so funny. People are funny.

i got this from a blog i frequent....the day i read it it gave me courage and alot of other stuff...but it challenged me andd hence that night when speaking with J..i answered a very difficult question. I was able to honestly tell him what i want from him.The olf me would have refused to answer him or played with words or answered safely.....well courage has its rewards....and again it just prooves that courage is not the absence of fear rather its doing whats need to be done with the fear inside you...Joyce Myer says do it fearfully but do it.for those who really know me the photos will make sense as they are related to the title of the post

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