ANSWERS and update

yaani God is the last post iwas asking God alot of questions especially why i keep hitting a wall in a particular area in my life...well jana i went to purpose centre and they had a guest speaker and the word he spoke was an answer to the questions i ahve been asking...and i thot i went there just by chance but God guides our footsteps...he was talking about time to mature up....he used the israelites as an example...God took them thru the desert cz they still had the slavery mentality and He could not allow them into the promised land,canaan with that oppressed mentality....the promised land requires more responsibility, accountability and stewardship.....God would rather we die in the desert if we are immature rather than let us enter the promised land qwith the childish mentality cz if He allows we will mess our lives.....God speaks such great in our lives but we keep wondering why they aint cutting...most of it has to do with lack of maturity...our growth is our personal responsibility...yaani that word hit home.....last year God spoke such stuff in my life but i realize that in some areas i havent taken the necessary steps....God is through with feeding me is time to grow up,truist Hip implicitly and Follow Him wherever He directs me even without the Detail of what he wants me to do or where He wants me to terms of me relating with people....i have taKEN A STEP OF FAITH AND IT IS SO SCARY CZ AM USUALLY THE TYPE TO WANT THE DESTINATION BEFORE I START THE JOURNEY.I was telling someone how God is really urging me to take a risk,trust Him and just step out in a particular area of my life and he was so jazzed saying that that was what he h\as been trying to tell me and he hopes it will work in his favour....but i am....een the leadership roles i shied away from last year...i took them up this year....nway there is alot i ahve to do....i thank God that He has shown me where i need to work on and His Grace is sufficient.
On a lighter note...dint i have a lovely night jana...yaani celtel for life!!!!1111it is so awesome to finally meet someone who says whats on their mind ,who understands that women are to be cherished and are to be showered with attention.....yaani i went to bed smiling like a lovesick puppy.......
I need to get my pass to TZ by this week cz we should be heading to Dar on monday....its so exepsive its 2700 one the leader i ahve the unpleasant task of deciding btn two people who gets to go and who doesnt...not funny.
After that am planning to go to Naks.....for all of you who are smirking...on business...i need to meet their youth leaders we discuss how we will do the joint camp.....
I need to write a paper on brideprice!!!!1its the number one cause for gender based violence.
I ahve said this a million times but i will say it again...I HAVE FINALLY MET MY MATCH!!!!!!!!!!INFACT AM OUTWITTED!bUT AM LOVING IT!

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