Tiffany ‘what makes love true’ campaign collaboration with three great photographers...among them The Sartorialist whose work I devour... You know those moments when you see two people and the love shines's not even in the doing..but a moment...a look..a gesture..and you are like awwww...I want that...or how sweet...well wish I traveled with my camera this December when we went down to the coast with my friend and her boyfriend cause there were plenty of those moments.
Well check out the website and you love the pictures... a few below...not necessarily my favorites but caught my eye or made me smile
Since I am in a very good and hopeful mood...can i officially say I had an AMAZING end of year/new year....and we all know how i love new years...I am officially in debt to one of my closest know who you are babe... Thanks to her I met this dude who was a perfect interlude...I wonder if he would be insulted to be referred to as an interlude...or perhaps a glimmer of hope without too much a temporary boyfriend who has an expiry date hence you don't have to waste time with the biometric exchange of information but just be easy and random...but that aside hanging out with my friend and her boyfriend was such a yeah after mourning most of the year how life was crappy cause of my job...i had a good break....and of course i am on this new i need to get to London...but on a much lighter other seems more men prefer big hair to short hair...but that is a different post
You know....God is so faithful...ALWAYS...anyone who knows me....knows i love saying that but more than that i believe it...I am on this journey where its end is my arrival in London...when a new journey begins..and God has been so faithful..just when i am sighing wondering what next..ready to give in to despair....He sends me something or let me know that He is on it..and He is no pint has 24 ours gone without a word or a sign to let me know I am on the right path and despite the fact that I cannot see the big picture..its is all working together...and I believe for my good...You in in Jeremiah i believe 29 where it says and you will hear a voice saying this is the way walk in's true...God's faithfulness is amazing me...and right now i have no clear picture how i will end up in London but of one thing I am sure I am going to London soon...sooner than i think
At times I am so sure that nothing can convince me otherwise that I am going to London....then one fact...a comment...makes me question whether I'm deluded...