Creative freelance writing is a combination of creative writing and freelance writing. You can explore other themes and genres, but still earn a paycheck. Examples include submitting short stories to paying markets, or procuring grants and residencies to cover costs while you exercise your creative muscles. There's really no limit. You're using your creativity, and your writing skills, but you're still freelancing, in that you're continuing to earn a living through many different kinds of projects.
I think yesterday was a wakeup call..went for the KPMG fair..and it was just depressing. None the less it also made me review my options. I left there so tired and weary of body,mind and soul. Today i woke up and realized that i have never been a person who waits for things to happen to them..i am a go getter .in any case if you wait for things to happen to you,usually its not the good that happens but the dreaded.
I took inventory of what skills and abilities i posses and i realized that i am a good researcher and its one skill i have not utilized since leaving school. I am convinced that with due diligence i can use that particular skill to earn some money.I don't want it as a full time job but rather as a part time job.when i was doing my section six one of my lecturers informed me of this scheme where someone pays you to do research for them on a particular subject e.g for their masters and they pay you.I think i should look for his number and contact him and maybe even advertise on face book i mean there are several lazy or extremely busy people out there. There are also companies that could need some sporadic research.
As for writing, thats the contentious one..when i am bothered i can write some decent stuff using correct grammar but more often than not i am not bothered..i am not from the school that is full of tortured souls who feel THEY MUST WRITE....if i write well and good if i don't life goes on..yet its probably a skill i am wasting.When i was in High school i used to do a lot of writing which sadly i threw away in a fit of rage..nonetheless I was more disciplined and i probably cared more about writing then...for now what i care about is how much money can writing earn me with the least amount of discomfort on my part. I for one am not disillusioned as to my writing capabilities yet i know i can entertain, i can be insightful and i can be very informative....yet all these will come at a cost..everything costs something and i guess the first is my current style of writing which disobeys all grammar rules that there can be..nonetheless i am currently researching on creative freelance writing as long as it pays be it online journals or getting a feature to write regularly..its not fame or recognition i seek..just some money.I am sure the criticism will be thorough but nonetheless it has never stopped me before.
A third option which indeed pains me is in regards to fashion.I have a passion for fashion and i feel i can contribute something to it especially in the Kenyan market while earning a buck from it. This would be where my passion would be realised to work in fashion but from a business perspective would utilize my innate sense of style and my business knowledge learnt in school.Last year two of my friends who are also fashionistas welcomed the idea of starting a business in the fashion industry.We talked about how whatever we were to do had to be a unique thing meeting a market demand that is not being met currently we identified some ideas and some ways of implementation and some possible sources of capital but did not do anything about it nor was anything written down.This year we all had our own plans but i feel we cant wait to attain the jobs we are seeking then decide its time to implement our dreams. In fact the more i think about it the more i realize that it would be even more challenging and a sit is with the credit crunch jobs are not availing themselves so the smart thing is create our own opportunities. So that is what will be occupying me. I really wanted to attend FAFA 2009( Festival of African Fashion and ART) BUT the cost was too much..it would have been a great opportunity to meet some of Africa's top fashion women and men.In any case i will personally find some and get a mentor.I am determined that i will accomplish the goals that i have set.By end of MAY we must have drawn an excellent full proof business plan.
I feel energized and rejuvenated now that i have identified the three key areas i need to work on and at the thought of having laid out goals i feel a surge of energy and excitement running through me and i guess a burst of hope that just reassures me that in spite of the fact that some aspects of my life are so out of control at least in some i have something to say about it.
FAITH IS ACTIVE BELIEF. the Israelites had to take the first step into Jordan before the water was parted and so it follows that the same applies in my life...