Choosing not to take

This past one year I've determined to read inspiring and positive affirmations and thought provoking articles daily. The site that has stood out above the rest is one run by a couple: Marc and Angel. I just had a not so pleasant whats-app chat with my friend and its the final straw in a long bale that has broke the camel's back. I'm all about people thinking for themselves and killing this herd mentality that we find so comfortable yet is such an anathema to me! My father has a quote that he loves telling us; think for yourself, think wrongly if you must but think for yourself. I love that quote. My country, Kenya, is going through a history making process which I guess will charter a new path for us. After the last elections I made an inner vow not to vote unless it was for the constitution-I did vote for that- as the horror and helpless feeling coupled with frustration that the very system and processes that are supposed to allow citizens the right to chart their civil lives were all corrupted. The quest for power was much more important than human life and values.  Everyone reacted to the elections and post election violence differently. I made my decision and even my own mother could not dissuade me.  I reviewed it and I still could not find a way to vote in a detached manner such that after I could live with the aftermath. I do know that its my civil duty to vote, and countless women fought for us to have the right to vote, that blood was shed for us to be a free nation and change does require each single individual playing their part. I do know that.
I must say there is also a strong bullying trend during elections under the guise of getting everyone to vote. Its one thing to lobby, to have a discussion and all, but quite another to keep pushing and insulting and discounting personal choice. Its still a personal choice to vote and rather than the sheep mentality of doing something out of fear or just because society say so; I would assume that we would have much more qualitative voting processes and results if each person thought through why they are voting and were at peace with that. The whole if you do not vote, you cannot complain about the government or politicians for the next five years is a very stupid argument to use to get anyone to vote! Are we now proud of being complainers? is that all we look forward to? really? some incentive indeed! As a person who's heard this argument over and over....I must inform all who use this that it has not in anyway made me want to vote by any means. On the flip side what has inspired me to vote is the patriotism exhibited by my fellow Kenyans, their determination to avoid violence at all costs, the growing democratic space, the prayers and sincere fervent hope that peace will prevail. The fact that we are finally beginning to appreciate our divergent views while still seeking unity as a people living under one country. The fact that some people woke up at  1 a.m to go queue yet polling station opened at 6 a.m. The fact that when I took breakfast to my mum she asked me to carry extra food so she could share with the rest in the queue. More than anything is the fact that despite being such an ardent political fan, she has respected my decision . She presented all the reasons for me to vote and how important it was. She was quite relentless for a few weeks but finally respected me enough to let it go when I asked her to do it. She did not use that as an opportunity to keep badgering me as some have done in past two months. For all these worthy reasons, I do wish I had registered to vote but I also appreciate that I have a greater understanding of why I need to vote and what I value. It had to be done in my own time and in a manner I would be at peace .

Below are some positive words from Marc and Angel site that inspired me today:
1. This moment will be part of your story someday.  It’s not right or wrong.  It’s not perfect.  It just is – a blank canvas – a completely unrestricted space that you can use as you please.  To laugh.  To get rambunctious.  To muse.  To create.  To express your freedom to be as you are.
2. We spend so much of our lives going through the external motions of what society tells us ‘maturity’ is – getting married, buying houses, working our way up the corporate latter, etc. – that we fail to concentrate on our own inner growth and goals. 
3.Living your truth daily. The  world can easily be a tragedy if all you do is feel without ever acting.  To feel something and believe in it, and not to live it, is lying to yourself.  If you do this for too long you will never do more than exist meekly from one robotic motion to the next.  You will live a lie every day as the truth haunts your thoughts every night.  You simply can’t get away from your truth by moving dishonestly from one place to the next.
4.The joy and freedom of an open mind. Your perspective on things is important; it enables you to make sense of the life you lead.  Always keep in mind, though, that different people have different perspectives, and yours isn’t the only one that makes sense.  There are few black and white facts in this world.  Most facts are simply interpretations.  You begin to learn wisely when you’re willing to see life from other people’s perspectives too. Even as you grow wiser and wiser with age you must remind yourself that an understanding is never absolutely final.  What’s currently right could easily be wrong later.  
5. Success in life does not depend on always being or proving that you’re right.  To make real progress you must let go of the assumption that you already have all the answers.  You can listen to others, learn from them, and successfully work with them even though you may not agree with every opinion they have.  When people respectfully agree to disagree, everyone benefits from the diversity of perspective.
6. Forget what everyone else thinks of you; chances are, they aren’t thinking about you anyway.  If you feel like they always are, understand that this perception of them watching you and critiquing your every move is a complete figment of your imagination.  It’s your own inner fears and insecurities that are creating this illusion.  It’s you judging yourself that’s the problem.
7. You judge yourself by telling yourself a story inside of your head.  Every moment of every day you’re telling yourself this story.  You are building your future around this story, so tell it right.  Create a positive narrative about your dreams and goals that include only the circumstances that matter.  What you think others are thinking about you is not part of this narrative, and neither are your negative self-judgments.
8. You are never at the total mercy of life’s surprises.  No matter what life throws at you, you can decide what these events mean to you in the short term, the long term, and how you will integrate them into your life.  Everything that happens is subject to your interpretation of it.  Thus, far more important than what happens, is what you choose to do with what happens, and your options are abundant.The life you live is ultimately the life you choose.  Choose to focus on the negative, and negativity will indeed surround you.  Turn your focus to the positive possibilities, and these possibilities gradually become realities in your life.

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